Do you like to RUN or Walk,
Jump or Throw?
AAT competes in USA Track & Field Youth (Junior Olympics) meets. We run at the local, state, regional, and national competitions, in both track & field and cross-country. From 1998-2012: AAT athletes compete from grade school to college and have earned individual and team USA Track & Field All-American awards and National Championships.
In 2003 the National Junior Olympic Cross-Country meet was held in Albuquerque. The Albuquerque Athletic Track Team had the largest team in the Nation competing in every age group.
This year 2012, the USA Track & Field National Junior Olympic Cross-Country meet will be held in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Our goal (AAT) is to repeat that standard and get as many athletes involve to experience the thrill of once in a life time, National competition.
Come Join Us!
Registration Form can be found at our website and brought to the first practice (Monday, August 27, 2012) at John B. Roberts Dam.
Practice: M/W/F 5:30 to 6:30 pm
If you miss registration, come by any practice. If you like what you see, you can register then, but don't wait too long! We maintain a family atmosphere we encourage parents to work out.
The Cross-Country season starts at the end of August and runs through the first week of December.. Running events include 2K, 3K, 4K, and 5K.. AAT also competes in Track and Field in the Spring starting in March..
For more Information contact, Coach Carl at 505 328-3835
Email aattrack@aol.com or visit our website, www.aattrack.com
Make 2012 the year you compete in the USATF Junior Olympics!