June 25, 2012

Nutritional Supplements Harming Your Health

Potentially Harmful Effects of Magnesium Stearate
Magnesium stearate is formed by adding a magnesium ion to stearic acid. The compound has lubricating properties, which is why it's often used in the making of supplements, as it allows the machinery to run faster and smoother, and prevents the pills or capsules from sticking to each other.
However, previous research has shown that stearic acid suppresses T cells—your natural killer cells—which are a key component of your immune systemi. According to that study, stearic acid causes the collapse of cell membrane integrity—an effect that was found to be time and dose dependent—which, ultimately, can destroy cell function.
Naturally, when you take vitamins and other supplements, you do it with the idea of strengthening your immune system. However, if you take supplements containing magnesium stearate, you could end up doing the exact opposite as you're actually consuming chalk-like substance with each dose you take.
This filler also stimulates your gut to form a biofilm. You frequently see biofilms when you lift the lid of your toilet reservoir. Biofilms are a sort of sludge lining that acts as an effective barrier to the absorption of not only that particular vitamin but ALL the nutrients you'd normally get from food sources as well.
This is of particular concern for anyone with impaired digestion, which in today's world includes the vast majority of Americans, due to poor dietary habits.
In my view, this side effect alone is a major reason for focusing on nutritional foods, or, if you're taking a supplement, making sure it's a high quality, natural food-based supplement that does not include potentially harmful fillers and additives such as magnesium stearate.
 Article from Dr. Mercola  June 23, 2012

June 21, 2012

ASEA For Ever!

ASEA, Redox Signaling Molecules, Cellular Health, Cellular Support
I LOVE my ASEA. One year and 3 months I've been taking ASEA. I take two ounces twice a day on an empty stomach so it will absorb more efficiently. I sleep better, have a  better focus mentally, no aches and pains even after running. I have a lot of endurance where I can run for ever! Its amazing how I can go and run 55 minutes on the foothills and then 20 minutes later it didn't even feel like I worked out. Recently I have been competing which I have not done over two years. 

Accomplishments this year 2012: 

  • Competed in the 3K Run in April with a time of 13:05 (All American Standard Time Qualifier) Age group 55-59
  • Competed in the Run For The Zoo, First Place in the 55-59 age-group with a time of 22:22
  • Competed in the Women's Distance Festival, 1st place in age-group, time 21:41, 18 place overall with 200+ women participating
  • AAT 15th Annual Cross Country 5k Run 1st in age group
  • Cuba 20 Annual X-Country 5K Run 1st place in the 55-59 age-group Altitude 6919 with a hilly course, Time: 26:04
  • Zia X-Country Meet 5K, 55-59 age-group, 1st place, sandy and grass field. Time: 22:58.12
  • Duke City Marathon Relay, fourth leg, 10K - 45:11, Albuquerque Athletics Track Relay team placed second out of 60 co-ed teams - Time:3:04:57 
  •  12 th Annual Turkey Trek (TCR Race Productions) 12/24/12 1st Place in the 55-59 age group, Time 21:09, First Female Master

Do your own case study, 50% of the people that use a case will see results, so I encourage people to give it at least three months. You won't be sorry and it is well worth the money. Believe me, you will love it too.

Coach Lucille

Order NOW!

ASEA=Redox Signaling Molecules!

June 20, 2012

Drug and Supplement Review for Athletes

| Sewmee.com
Over the last several years, some very gifted endurance athletes have gone from famous to infamous after drug tests indicated they took banned substances, and illegal sports supplements, to enhance their performance.
Click link above to read what drugs are illegal.

June 15, 2012

Glutathione, Superoxide Dismutase & Catalase Enzyme

Natural Anti-Oxidants In Your Body

• Antioxidants are incapable of fighting free radicals without the help of reactive molecules.
• The reactive molecules in ASEA are produced by a complex proprietary electrochemical process that reduces and oxidizes the base saline solution, resulting in an equilibrium of several known reactive molecules.
• These reactive molecules are the same as those that are naturally produced inside of living cells and have been successfully measured over the last 30 years by the use of certain fluorescent dyes that act as indicators.
• Verification of the reactive molecules in ASEA is done regularly by utilizing three of these same standard fluorescent indicators, namely R-phycoerythrin (RPE), aminophenyl fluorescein (APF) and hydroxyphenyl fluorescein (HPF).
ASEA Clinical Studies
• ASEA is safe for ingestion and exhibits zero toxicity, based on standard safety biomarkers.
• Athletic endurance, as measured by time to ventilatory threshold and time to VO2max , is significantly increased by more than 10% on average.
• ASEA helps speed recovery after athletic exertion.
ASEA Claims Supported by Research Institutions
• ASEA increases antioxidant efficiency of glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase (SOD) inside living cells more than 500%.
• ASEA significantly stimulates the production of the master antioxidants inside the cells without causing an inflammatory response.
• ASEA significantly increases the efficiency of communication signals between cells, those involved in cell damage detection, cell repair, and cell replacement.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

For More information on this remarkable product called ASEA ( redox signaling molecules) visit ADVANCING LIFE

June 11, 2012


At ASEA the outcome is not just income, the outcome is become

Ethōs noun \'e-thōs\ : the distinguishing character, sentiment, moral nature, or guiding beliefs of a person, group, or institution
Organizations, companies, and families are distinguished by their ethos—the distinguishing spirit that differentiates them from other groups. It's the essence of their character, how they behave, and what they believe. We at ASEA take this idea seriously. In fact it's at the very core of how we live and work. We not only recognize our unique company ethos but actively promote and encourage our Associates to live by it.
Everything we do at ASEA is guided by a singular commitment to the personal development and education of our Associates. Because of this unparalleled commitment, ASEA meetings and trainings are totally new experiences to even the most seasoned network marketing veterans.
"Never in the industry have we seen a company taking such responsibility for the personal and professional development and education of its Associates."
--Anna Gallman, Gold Executive

Believe, Belong, Become

All human beings have 3 basic needs: to believe, to belong, and to become. ASEA empowers its Associates to believe in a life-changing product, to belong to an organization driven by principles, and most importantly to become better people, professionally and personally.

June 07, 2012

Exercise Recommendation

Turbo Fire

The intense cardio conditioning program from Chalene Johnson features High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). It’s proven to help you get leaner (lose weight) with a revolutionary program that can burn up to 9x more fat and calories than regular cardio does.

Lose weight, inches, tone muscles and lose fat, click here about Turbo Fire!

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