December 20, 2013

ASEA Is About Health And Friendship

ASEA Testimonies With People From Albuquerque, New Mexico

Touching and blessing peoples lives. Katie Flamm, Trish Schwenkler and Brian Flamm
Learn about the science of ASEA by watching the ASEA Breakthrough Video 
Cellular Health and Cellular Support
Information about the meetings in Albuquerque  505-328-0191

Healthyself  Heal-thy-self
Get your cellular system balanced by giving what it needs, Redox Signaling Molecules.

The Benefits of taking ASEA:

  • Better Energy Level
  • Muscle Comfort
  • Workout Recovery
  • Emotional Stress Release
  • Sleep Quality
  • Mental Focus
  • Joint Comfort
  • Immune Booster
  • And Others
  • Activates natural anti-oxidants by 500 to 800%

The body heals itself. At the age of 12 we start producing fewer and fewer Redox Signaling molecules, by the time you are 70 you are producing appropriately  10%. ASEA replenish your body with Redox Signaling Molecules. In every bottle of ASEA there are a trillion of these amazing molecules that you need to keep you healthy. Gain cellular Homeostasis with ASEA. fifty percent of the people that try ASEA see or feel results within 30 days. It all depend in the individual but it is working as soon as you take it. Take Asea consistently is very important. Recommended trial period is 90 days. 
Buy today! For more information contact Lucille

**In accordance with the Food and Drug Administration the statements included on this website and in these recordings have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This site is owned and maintained by an ASEA Independent Distributor. It is not approved or disapproved by the ASEA Company.

October 22, 2013

Find Out What ASEA Can Do For You!

Get to the root of your cellular health. ASEA is a cellular support supplement that will keep your cells strong and healthy! The one and only redox signaling molecules in a bottle, ASEA. Find out what these amazing molecules can do for you.

For more information go to Amazing Little Molecules
Coach Lucille Website

October 16, 2013

ASEA-Just Drink It..Then Do It

What's Your Plan B? Watch this simple and direct message in video format—a high intensity wake-up call to Middle America and to those who are not prepared for life's inevitable demands, emergencies and ups and downs.
Relying on governments or corporations for one's financial well-being is a plan guaranteed to fail. Recent government shutdown is a painful prove of that! Your friends and neighbors are searching, begging for direction. Let Plan B provide it and direct them to your business!

October 11, 2013


ASEA = Redox Signaling Molecules
The one and only replenishment that is native to your body! ASEA is changing people lives with those that are having health challenges, aches and pains, immune problems, breathing problems, sleeping, skin rashes, digestive problems, and athletes that want more endurance and great recovery. 
Every health issue starts from the cellular level. Redox Signaling Molecules is foundation to your health! 
Learn how they found out about these molecules from the Human Performance Laboratories at the Appalachian State University. Dr. David C. Nieman will explain the test with his placebo double blind study conducted on athletes and mice.  

VIDEO - ASEA FRONTIERS CONVENTION 2012 from Amazing Molecules on Vimeo.

Sign up today!  More Information!
Buy Today!
Contact Me! Lucille Brasher

August 14, 2013



Between 1 through 10, (10 being the greatest) how important is your health?

Do you know someone that could benefit from ASEA?
Are you a recreational or competitive athlete that care 
about endurance and recovery?
What do you what? 
  • Sleep better
  • Get rid of aches and pains and stiffness
  • A mood enhancer
  • Have more energy, endurance
  • Get off medicine
  • Have optimum cellular health
  • Have a better digestive system 
  • Help your animals
  • Have overall health
For more information go to Coach Lucille's Web site

August 03, 2013

ASEA is a Great Purpose!

ASEA A Health and Wellness Product Like No Other

that keep you younger longer. Redox Signaling Molecules, ASEA has been in a bottle now for three years and the company is growing stronger. I have been in the business now for two years and I am helping athletes, the elderly, friends, family, and animals, anything that has signaling molecules. I heard of people get off their pain medicines, getting rid of aches and pains, sleep better, have more energy, mood is better, skin looks better, gums and teeth are healthier. People are experiencing wellness as far as not getting sick as often or symptom subside faster when on ASEA. I have heard stories of people literally getting their life back. 

Every University is now studying Redox Signaling; it is a major subject in the biology department. Online I have talked to pre-med students studying the topic redox signaling. Today professional MD's in the medical workforce have not heard of this new science. If you would ask your doctor about this subject most likely he has not heard of it unless learned from someone else recently. ASEA has been in research for 17 years. Before ASEA was ASEA the product was with a pharmaceutical company called Medical Discoveries Inc. For years the company was struggling to pay for the research for this product so it sold to another company where Verdis sat on the board. Then this company could not keep up the fund so the company started to sell off assess and that's when Verdis Norton step in and intervened. Verdis had his own Bio Tech company and examined all the research paper and experience the redox signaling molecules on a daily bases. He knew that there was something special about this product so he was going to put a team together and support these amazing molecules. Verdis Norton met James Pack and these two people are the answer to many people's prayers. I am so honor and pleased to be working with these two wonderful men that put Purpose and Principles over Ego and Economics. It is great to belong to the ASEA family!

July 09, 2013

The One and Only Redox Signaling Molecules. A Function Center To All Forms Of Life Enhancing Cellular Health 

Believe, Belong, Become! Join Now -
Transformational Technology 

May 15, 2013

ASEA Frontiers: 5 Facts About ASEA

1. ASEA has been proven to be 100% Safe.
2. ASEA is not Salt Water it contains verified stabilized signaling       molecules.
3. ASEA causes Major, Multiple Shifts in Metabolites.
4. ASEA causes a 29% increase in Endurance in mice.
5. ASEA causes 33% Decrease in muscle Glycogen Depletion in mice.

For more on ASEA or Buy Now

April 29, 2013

15,000 Medicare Patients a month are killed by MD Treatment

According to the US Department of Health and Human Services 15,000 Medicare Patients a month are killed by MD treatments

Dr. Peter Glidden talks about the third leading cause of death in the U.S.

April 13, 2013

ASEA's Redox Signaling Molecules Relieving Parkinson's Symptoms

Asea changes people lives in so many ways. This man that had walking, talking, and memory problems improved after three weeks on the supplement water ASEA! Parkinson's disease can be very crippling, and it only gets worse before it gets better. Redox Signaling Molecules is the foundation of life, without these molecules you would die within a half a hour. Signaling Molecules activates your natural anti-oxidants, superoxide dismutase, glutathione, and catalase enzyme so that you can get the rust (free radicals) out of your cells. Getting rid of the toxins, rust and free radicals in your cell brings balance to your cells which brings ultimate health to your body and mind. 

Is ASEA Safe?
Why Do I Need ASEA?
Join Today For Only $40.00 One Time Fee and $120.00 For A Month Supply.

March 08, 2013

Super Foods for only $4.00 A Day!

Have you had a cool delicious shake lately? One that will satisfy your hunger, helps you lose weight and stay healthy? Shakeology has the best shakes that will give you all the nutrients that your body needs. 70 fruits and vegetables to be exact.  For the past two and half years I have been drinking Shakeology as a weight management program and a healthy vitamin, anti-oxidant product. Drinking Shakeology I never feel like I have to cheat on my diet because it give you the nutrition that your body is craving. I do not have a sweet tooth craving because the Chocolate favor satisfies me. I am 58 yeas old and I only weigh 10  pounds more than I did when I was in High School. Yes I exercise, 5 days a week running, hiking, bike, riding, and P90, P90X, Turbo Jam are my favorites. As far as my meal plan goes I am getting very picky about what I eat. Teambeachbody has set up a meal plan for me to follow according to my level of activity and my age and size. Things like pizza with white bread and all that cheese is not appealing to me any more. Right now it is 10:30 pm and I really need to go to bed but I have all this energy. I have two really important product in my life that I can not live without. 
1. ASEA  2. Shakeology

Shakeology helps keep the pound off and it tastes great!

February 23, 2013

ASEA - Redox Signaling - Do Your Research

ASEA definition is Redox Signaling Molecules. This technology is a new science (17 years of research). When you read the internet there are people out there that do not understand the science or are saying negative things about ASEA  because they are protecting their product, juice, cream, vitamin or supplement that they promote. Some people get paid to bash another product it draws more attention to what they do to bring up the revenue. Dr.Gary Samuelson, PH.D. is an Atomic Medical Physics from the University of Utah says about today’s doctors and what they know about Redox Signaling Technology.
“It is generally difficult to introduce redox signaling to most medical professionals it is a new field of science (17 years old) and change happens gradually in the medical field and requires ongoing education.” Don’t be fooled by these bloggers this is what they do for a living. If you find anyone trying to say something bad about Asea then you will find that these people are trying to protect their down lines for the miracle creams and life saving juices they are selling or getting paid to discredit products for other companies. Asea is backed by 31 technology based patents. In order to secure a technology patent…you must prove what you have, it is that simple.
Here are two questions when it comes to ASEA:
#1 Is Redox Signaling real. The answer is “Yes”, the scientific literature is a place to prove this science.
#2 Has ASEA reproduced the chemical reactions to change pharmaceutical grade salt and ultra pure water with a electrification technique into Redox Signaling molecules that are 100% native to the body..The answer is “Yes” as the patents and quality controls set up prove this on a daily basis.It is human nature to look for the easy way out like looking for one person that says that something is not real. Every university has a department dedicated to Redox Signaling. It’s nothing new, they have been studying Redox Science since the nineteen sixty’s. There will be one loser here and this will be your friend that took the easy way out by sticking his head into sand. We can help the ones that are open minded and will do their research about the new science.

February 09, 2013

Arthritis and Inflammatory Conditions

Arthritis is  a inflammatory conditions where the immune system attacks its own tissues by sending inflammatory cytokines that destroy connective tissue, ligaments, and sonovial fluids restricting movement and causing pain.
As ASEA (redox signaling molecules) helps to balance the immune system and reduces oxidation and cell stress.
Redox signaling molecules are eliminating your body of free radical by stimulating your natural antioxidants.
Redox Signaling Molecule detect, protect, repair and replace those damaged cells to prevent inflammation, this is the perfect way of making the body strong to fight this weakening condition.

Questions you may have...

At ASEA we like to say “Buy a case and become your own case study.” What this means is that to effectively share the ASEA story with others, it’s important that you use and benefit from the ASEA product. As you begin to experience real and personal results from using ASEA, you’ll be able to share a genuine and compelling reason why others should do the same
Order Direct Here!

January 06, 2013

Health is in the spirit! Laughter the Best Medicine!

Ready for a good laugh! This may be old but it still applies today. Have a great day and keep laughing!

Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology-Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

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