November 01, 2021

Tip #2 Yoga Cobra

Strengthens And Stretches The Back  

Lay on your stomach down on the floor then lift up with hands to a straight arms bringing chest up and wide as you can, keep thighs on the floor if possible. Hold as long as you can then go all the way down flat. Repeat two or three time holding for 20 to 30 seconds. Try to keep the front of the feet down. It takes practice to get better do this everyday to straighten your lower back and stretch the abdominals. 

Tip #3 Yoga Child Pose

This is a stretch you can do for your back right after the Cobra. On hands and knee push hips back towards your heels then reach out in front as far as you can. Reach with your finger tips and you will feel a fantastic stretch through your back. while you do that keep pushing your hip back towards you heels. If you are new at this it takes practice, your not going to get all the way down the first time. Do the child's pose right after doing your first cobra and alternate cobra and child's to get the strength and stretch effect for the back. 

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