May 23, 2012

Redox Signaling and the Renal System

Taught by Dr. Samuelson, Atomic Medical Physicist and Dr. David Carpenter, Naturalpath

Redox Review:
 Dr. Samuelson and Dr. Carpenter have a fascinating discussion on the role of the renal system in the body and how Redox Signaling is vital to proper renal system function.  They will address the following topics:

  • How the renal system works and its importance to overall health
  • The critical role of Redox Signaling to the kidneys' filtering of waste and toxins
  • Practical steps for promoting good renal system health
For more information information go to ASEA Science website

        May 17, 2012

        Athletes are Experiencing Longer Workouts and Faster Recoveries!

        ASEA / Metabolites

        The breakthrough research highlighted in ASEA Frontiers: Metabolites indicates that drinking ASEA water mobilized fuel from fat stores in the athletes. That’s great, because more energy is packed into fatty tissue (by weight) than any other fuel source in the body. With equal amounts of carbohydrates, glycogen, and fatty acids, you could jog 30 minutes on carbohydrates, 3-4 hours on glycogen, but 60-80 hours on fatty acids!

        Test  Was Conducted With a Double Blind Study from
        Dr.  David C. Nieman, DrPH, FACSM
        Professor of Health Sciences,
        Appalachian State University

        North Carolina Research Center:

         Listen to David C. Nieman talk about the Metabolite shift at the convention.

        Click on the video above and watch the North Carolina Research laboratories scientists talk about their double blind study on ASEA!

        For More Information about ASEA and its advancing life benefits - Click Here!

        May 13, 2012

        Health Wellness and Fitness Coach Team

        Albuquerque Athletics Track  Competed In The Run For The Zoo Breaking PR Records
        Back Row: Left to right,  Katon Luaces, Ester Beck, Jasmine Morales Turtle, Lucille Brasher, Front Row: Nathan Roberts , Miles Beck and Kayla Beck
        Class Gun Chip Overall Age Zip Gen Total Tot Tot Tot
        Position Time Time Place Place Pace Div Gend AG
        3515 Esther Beck Albuquerque, NM
        in 9-11
        age group
        20:56 20:51 52 11 87112 9 6:41/M 2171 1194 121
        3861 Ava Miller Albuquerque, NM
         in the
        age group
        23:52 23:47 187 11 87106 30 7:37/M 2171 1194 121
        Class Gun Chip Overall Age Zip Gen Total Tot Tot Tot
        Position Time Time Place Place Pace Div Gend AG
         3285 Jasmine Turtle-Morales Albuquerque, NM
        in the
         8-10 age group
        22:17 22:12 102 10 87123 17 7:07/M 2171 1194 82
        4321 Kayla Beck Albuquerque, NM
        in the
        8-10 age group
        24:19:00 24:13:00 221 9 87112 36 7:46/M 2171 1194 82
        3514 Miles Beck Albuquerque, NM
        in the 7
        and under group

        24:13:00 24:08:00 213 7 87112 179 7:44/M 2171 977 27
         3639 Nathan Roberts Albuquerue, NM
        in the
         8-10 age group
        23:22 23:17 146 9 87122 121 7:28/M 2171 977 93
        3471 Katon Luaces Albuquerque, NM
        in the
         11-13 age group
        23:42 23:36 178 12 87102 149 7:34/M 2171 977 106
        860 Abran Miller Albuquerque, NM
        in the
        11-13 age group
        24:10:00 24:04:00 209 11 87106 175 7:43/M 2171 977 106
        4396 Lucille Brasher Albuquerque, NM
         in the
        55- 59
        age group
        22:27 22:22 110 57 87111 19 7:10/M 2171 1194 30

        May 10, 2012

        National Reputation - North Carolina is a Research Campus Laboratory for Human Performance

        A legal, native to your body sports enhancing product that will help you recover quicker, go longer in your workouts and not feel sore the next day! 

        This past weekend I ran a 5K for my first time in two years. I place first in my age group with a time of 22:22, didn't feel sore after the run.  The next day I ran 200's on the track into the wind so the recovery is amazing! I love ASEA, I feel healthy and young.

        Do your own case study, you will love it! Click Here!

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