Stretches for Your Aching Back
Tip #1
If you are concerned about your back, stiffness, soreness, pain and it has been bothering you for some time, you do need to be concerned. But, this could be an easy fit with a little pampering on your part. I recommend 10 minutes a day of stretching. Here is one stretch you can do for the back called cat and dog in yoga.
Cat-Dog stretch
The cat-cow stretch is a useful exercise to help increase flexibility and ease tension in your lower back and core muscles.
To perform the cat-dog stretch:
Get onto your Knees and hands with your knees hip-width apart. This is the starting position.
Take a deep breath while arching your back by pulling your belly button up toward your spine, letting your head drop forward. This is the cat portion of the stretch.
Hold for 10 seconds. You should feel a gentle stretch in your lower back.
Exhale slowly and return to the starting position.
Inhale and raise your head up and let your pelvis fall forward, curving your back down toward the floor. This is the cow portion of the stretch.
Hold for 10 seconds, exhale while returning to the starting position.
Repeat the cat-dog stretch 10 times.