November 25, 2012


Cellular damage occurs repeatedly every day 

  • Sunlight, toxins, chemicals, infections and other irritants damage cells every day
  •  Cuts, scrapes, blows and other minor injuries cause damage to millions of cells and tissues that must be regenerated and replaced
  • Even exercise and exertion can damage cells, causing tenderness (strain) and muscle aches

How does the body recognize damage?

  •  When cells are damaged the natural balanced chemistry inside the cell is disturbed, causing a shift in healthy metabolism and oxidative stress results
  • Oxidative Stress is the natural build-up of oxidant molecules, including free radicals, in the liquid environment inside cells
  • Oxidative stress is the condition that sends up red flags to neighboring healthy cells that cells have been damaged in their neighborhood

How does the body repair damage?

  • The immune system is activated by oxidative stress to kill the harmful invading organisms
  • The immune system also kills and dissolves damaged cells that cannot be repaired (swelling and redness mark this stage)
  • The immune system uses oxidative “bullets” to kill invading organisms and dissolve damaged cells and foreign materials

November 09, 2012

My Story - ASEA Testimonies!

Hear their success stories! Testimonials of real people, one everyday. It may come from a person with a health issue or an Athlete with success. Everyone that is taking ASEA is getting better health with redox signaling molecules. 

Find out more about ASEA or explore this website cellular health, cellular support - For your health!

Cellular Support, Endurance drink, Scientific Discovery

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