September 27, 2017

I Was A Stick But Now I Look Strong!

Lauren is a Personal Training client of mine, that is studying to be a Fire Fighter. Once she passes the test she will be working part-time in Washington and going to school at the University of Washington to become a physician. Lauren has been training hard too past the CPAT Fire Fighter's test. One of the test is a moving stair case with weights on her shoulders. That's where we got this idea (step up to step down into lung) so she could get the feel of this type of physical exertion and coordination. Lauren has executed this exercise for four minutes continuous moving.  She also does over all conditioning exercises to strengthen her body like reverse sit-ups, moving yoga ball squats and she can do 50 push-ups without stopping. Lauren had a trial CPAT test two times now and past the second one after working out six days a week sometime twice a day in six months. Within her training we did strength endurance training days, doing several reps with lighter weights than harder days where she did less reps heavier weights. Then we had days where she did HIIT to work on her Cardio Vascular plus muscle building and endurance. We had her doing cross training to keep it fun and interesting for her.  She gained 11 pound and gained 10 inches in her hips. She also gain inches overall from building muscle. 
Congratulation Lauren, your on you way to having your dreams come true. Good luck in Washington.
Step up with Weights Working On Legs 

Squat Off Of Step With Lung For Gluts

Reverse Sit-ups For Lower ABS

Squat With 10# Medicine Ball Coming Up With Ball Overhead With Glut Squeeze
Yoga Stretch For Cool Down Exercises

April 22, 2017

Kasha-Katuwe - Tent Rock in New Mexico

Ahh! Excellent hiking and a breath taking, memorized beauty at Tent Rock National Monument. Tent rock is in-between Santa Fe and Albuquerque New Mexico in this little Indian town near Pena Blanca town and Cochiti Town and lake.  The hike is a intermediate to hard with the top trails being a little steep. There are places that you use your hand to climb up rock. I saw all kind of people climbing it from small children to the seniors. It make it nice because it is a 1/2 hour all the way up and then if you want to go and to the lower trail it is 15 minute loop. So a good 1 1/2 hour it would take you to finish. I would like to run parts of it but I went at a time when it was crowded on a Saturday morning. The monument took 7 million years to develop through volcanic eruption to flooding and wind and rain development. Some of the small peaks had little boulders on top of them looked like if you through a rock up there and hit it, it would come tumbling down.  Years ago the pueblo lived in the pumice rock where they dug big holes in the side of the rock that looked like caves.  

March 27, 2017


How do you pick up the pieces, or they say get back on the horse after being away from racing (competition) for a while, well just like Nike would say, just do it. The last time I raced was November at the Thanksgiving Day Run, running the 5K. I was in great shape and did a lot of cross-country races in the 5 and 10K during the fall including the Duke City 10K. I also ran in the Masters Indoor Races that were held in Albuquerque. But when I came down with that dreadful shingles the enthusiasm dropped tremendously even the training when I hadn’t run for four weeks straight. You get these thought in your head that you shouldn’t push so hard, or racing or over training because the health problem, so slow down quit racing. Well here comes some races that I really enjoy being part of in the community and would like to hold my title as the overall winner in the City Senior Olympics 5 and 10K. I knew I wasn’t in that great of shape, hadn’t done anything past a six mile training session and a few intervals. The amount of miles were maybe 20 miles for two week. So I change my attitude and went their thinking that I was going to do the best that I can and run smart.
The race was in the middle of town in a safe area where there were no streets to cross except a road that entered the hotel. This course was on a bike trail along the channel, flat and fast course with a 5K out and back. Weather was at 45 degrees no wind with sunshine and clouds.
As the race started out three men took out running fast in front of me so I just let them go. Knowing my  pace I ran according to how I feel, sort of a somewhat hard pace. Through the whole race I ran tough but I ran my race (my pace) not worrying what place I was in. At the end of the 5K you stop or proceed a second time out so actually it is a 5k and 10K race in one if you signed up for it. Two of the men that beat me in the 5K stopped and the 50 year old that was way out in front of everyone was on a record time of 42 minutes for the 10K. I felt pretty good the first 5K running at a time of 24:36. I kept the pace thinking that I would try to pick it up the pace with 1 ½ miles left. At the turn around point with 1 ½ miles left there was a couple of men 30 or 40 meters behind me. It was hard but I thought I had to pick it up to beat them. To do that I focused on lifting my knees up and pumping my arms. I didn’t widen my stride because that usually tires me out so I basically think of a faster turnover. With about ½ mile left I could feel my hips hurt a little from the repetition of running. Knowing that I was almost done I pushed as hard as I could thinking someone was coming up on me. Finished, with a negative split of 24:26 just 10 second faster than the first 5K.

Advice in running a 5 or 10K, knowing what shape your in and your pace. Start slower than you normally do if your not in your best shape.  Do it for fun and think about how your going to boost that metabolism by pushing yourself at a race and how healthy it is to be with your friends and out in the fresh air exercising.  
To your health,

Coach Lucille
Chuck and Lucille winner at Senior Olympics.JPGC
Chuck Fuller and Lucille Brasher won their age-group in the 2017 City Senior Olympic Championships 5 and 10K Road Race. Lucille 24:36 5K, 49:16 10K (2nd overall)

January 15, 2017

I'm Done with the pain.

Has it happen to you? I hope not. One of the worse experiences in my life. Recently I had a bout of shingles. At first I thought it was a spider bite because I didn't have a fever. Most of the time when I had spiders or bees bites, my body would react with swelling and a little pain because I am allergic. Then the pain came very mildly, I saw no need to go to the doctor. The third day came so did the pain intensity so off I go to the urgent care. I was shocked when the doctor said I had shingles and then she said it was due to having the chicken pox when I was a child. The doctor said if I had got the anti virus shot there was no guarantee that I wouldn't got shingles. So she sent me home with Anti-virus pills and pain pills with this excruciating health problem I never experienced before. I remember the doctor said that I must've had some stress going on in my life so I thought back. One day I had trained with three clients, and ran six miles that day and the night before I had minimum sleep so that must of been it plus other worries in my life. She said that all it take to be capable of getting sick, stress.
So it is 10 days into having shingles and I am feeling 60% better. I had only missed two days of work and 10 days of training so the Indoor Track & Field Nationals are out of the question if I am going to be there. So now that I can think clearer and have more ambition for the New Year I can honestly say I had a very mild case of this virus to which could've been the very worse. While I went through this I was also drinking extra ASEA to boost my immunity and putting Renu 28 on my body to relieve the pain and it made a big difference. I also feel that if I hadn't been drinking Asea on a regular basis before this all happened, the shingles wouldn't of been so mild and the recovery time was fast. ASEA and Renu 28 are not only a incredible health product but also a preventive product.
  For More Information go to ASEA GLOBALS or
Awareness of Shingles : Very Well Health


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