January 15, 2017

I'm Done with the pain.

Has it happen to you? I hope not. One of the worse experiences in my life. Recently I had a bout of shingles. At first I thought it was a spider bite because I didn't have a fever. Most of the time when I had spiders or bees bites, my body would react with swelling and a little pain because I am allergic. Then the pain came very mildly, I saw no need to go to the doctor. The third day came so did the pain intensity so off I go to the urgent care. I was shocked when the doctor said I had shingles and then she said it was due to having the chicken pox when I was a child. The doctor said if I had got the anti virus shot there was no guarantee that I wouldn't got shingles. So she sent me home with Anti-virus pills and pain pills with this excruciating health problem I never experienced before. I remember the doctor said that I must've had some stress going on in my life so I thought back. One day I had trained with three clients, and ran six miles that day and the night before I had minimum sleep so that must of been it plus other worries in my life. She said that all it take to be capable of getting sick, stress.
So it is 10 days into having shingles and I am feeling 60% better. I had only missed two days of work and 10 days of training so the Indoor Track & Field Nationals are out of the question if I am going to be there. So now that I can think clearer and have more ambition for the New Year I can honestly say I had a very mild case of this virus to which could've been the very worse. While I went through this I was also drinking extra ASEA to boost my immunity and putting Renu 28 on my body to relieve the pain and it made a big difference. I also feel that if I hadn't been drinking Asea on a regular basis before this all happened, the shingles wouldn't of been so mild and the recovery time was fast. ASEA and Renu 28 are not only a incredible health product but also a preventive product.
  For More Information go to ASEA GLOBALS or www.coachlucille.teamasea.com
Awareness of Shingles : Very Well Health


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